The Bead Angel Family has members from every aspect of society in the tri-state region. We especially speak for and speak to those who also consider themselves as part of an "alternative"
community...Metaphysical, New Age, wholistic, Pagan and every type of spiritual seeker or practitioner on an alternative path....those who find they are not served by the more traditional
religious, social service or wellness institutions.
Does this include you?
If you are reading this, it probably does.
If YOU KNOW of a person or group or organization that should be mentioned somewhere on this website, or who would benefit (in your humble opinion) from contact with The Bead Angel, please
refer them to us.
If YOU KNOW of an EVENT or a person or group or organization that The Bead Angel should know about, please CONTACT US with that information.
The Bead Angel sends out regular event, class, workshop and general store notices via opt-in email lists. If you would like to receive these notices, please send us an email at beadwarrior@hotmail.com
with your request. Please include your complete name, snail mail, phone number and email addresses.
You can ALSO CLICK this direct link to sign up for our Metaphysical Newsletter subscription: http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=akg7docab&p=oi&m=1102132943168&sit=wlszzbkdb&f=1c2c5579-8eb1-4d25-b672-f2aad9b23e3a
The Bead Angel is on Twitter now. Find us at https://twitter.com/thebeadangelor search for us using
@thebeadangel. We are going to try to use Tweets as a quick daily update forum for last minute changes and reminders.
Find us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gregorymyers.beadangel
Our Group page for The Bead Angel is
Our FB FAN PAGE for The Bead Angel is