

A Revolution in Energy Work!

Lawrence Hyde, MA is proud to present the return of this ancient, remarkably effective healing modality.

MENAKHET HEALING™was practiced some 3,500 years ago in Egypt but, as far as can be determined,was lost to the world until 2014. Following a severe medical issue, during which he was “mostly dead for a while,” Lawrence returned with the knowledge that he’d brought back something from the other side. After considerable meditation and practice, he was able to invoke and use this “old’’ energy.


outstanding, lasting relief from the symptoms of various long-term concerns, including old injuries, back and neck problems, chronic pain, muscle weakness, movement issues, troubling memories,

and a host of others.

For instance, after one session of MENAKHET HEALING™:

A 50-year old man permanently lost the “catch” in his back when he straightened up.

After numerous healing efforts had failed, a woman was able to walk without knee pain.

A woman was free from bladder pain for the first time in 5 years.

A painful shingles outbreak was stopped in its third day; old lesions healed and budding new ones didn’t emerge.

A woman with nerve damage discovered her grip strength and ability to rise from a chair and walk improved.

Lawrence is in-house & on-call at The Bead Angel two Fridays monthly, 1pm to 9pm. Sessions are $70 for 40 to 60 minutes, including discussion and discernment of symptoms, medical history, desired outcomes and resultant therapy. WATCH FOR on-call dates with Lawrence in November or December.

Lawrence Hyde, MA is a Reiki Master/Teacher, a Medical Intuitive, a Psychic Self-Defense Instructor, a firmly controlled empath, and a Curmudgeon-in-Training who enjoys making others suffer from his deep love of really awful puns. He blends 40 years’ metaphysical experience with some 20 years’ experience providing psychotherapy and chemical dependency counseling.

PLEASE NOTE:Menakhet Healing is NOT INTENDED as medical diagnosis or treatment, NOR is it intended to replace any such. Menakhet Healing is a form of ‘energetic intervention therapy’ that is intended solely as a complement to any current or past medical treatment or medications. Clients are cautioned NEVER to modify or discontinue any medications or medical treatments except as suggested by their physician.

Lawrence Hyde, MA, Reiki Master Teacher

Lawrence blends the perspective and insight into human nature gained through his former life — 20 years of providing psychotherapy and chemical dependency counseling — with some 40 years’ metaphysical experience. His approach to teaching blends New Age and Pagan thought into a no-nonsense, practical manner of thinking, moving energies and living metaphysically.

Unimpressed with the trappings that accompany much metaphysical practice — but still awed by how cool it all can be — Lawrence favors an experiential, hands-on approach to learning, particularly for those who are relatively new to the esoteric. Knowing that the Universe and the Unseen are far more vast than any one person can comprehend, he firmly believes that people should be guided first and foremost by what THEY have actually seen, felt and heard, rather than by someone else’s perceptions. He is particularly good with those who are just “waking up” to the metaphysical realm, encouraging them to retain their skepticism as they open to the Life within and discover their own paths and truths. Knowing that the beginning steps onto the path can be challenging, he also specializes in teaching Psychic Self-Defense.

The author of two short chemical dependency self-help guides, published in the 1990’s by Hazelden Educational Materials, Lawrence also recently published his first full length book, “Ready for the Woo-Woo Stuff? A Down-to-Earth Look at a Metaphysical Life.”
If you’re in search of knowledge you can understand and techniques you can use, taught by someone who blends compassion, insight and fun, Lawrence is for you.

You can contact Lawrence directly on Face Book

and by email at

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